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Ranger Quick Revision SPM (Form 4& Form 5) by Pelangi

RM 14.95

The Ranger SPM series allows students to do express revision before the SPM examination. The contents of this book is aligned with the Standard Curriculum for Secondary Schools (DSKP) for Form 4 and Form 5, textbooks, and the latest SPM assessment format. It also includes engaging digital resources to enhance understanding of the subject. 

Siri Ranger SPM memudahkan murid membuat ulang kaji ekspres sebelum peperiksaan SPM. Kandungan buku ini berdasarkan DSKP Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5, buku teks, serta Format Pentaksiran SPM terkini. Bahan digital menarik disediakan untuk memperkukuh penguasaan sunjek. 

Please refer to the images for a summary/synopsis of the book.

Sila rujuk kepada gambar halaman belakang buku untuk membaca ringkasan buku tersebut. 

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