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Malaysian Studies: Looking Back, Moving Forward- Abdul Rahman Embong

RM 30.00

This book is a useful collection that provides an important window to the history of Malaysian social science and the Association representing the social science community. Although social science has a recent history in this country, it is a highly important body of knowledge providing theories, conceptual tools and methodologies to advance Malaysian Studies and to inform public policy. As social science is an emancipatory project which promotes critical analysis of society, the Malaysian social science community should pay serious attention to the quality of their teaching, research, publication and discourses, and that they should be a speech community that educates and informs the public as well as speaks truth to power. T

his book is a must read for students, researchers, policy makers, NGO activists, and members of the public who are interested in the use of social science in analysing society and promoting unity and peace among the diverse people in the country as well as to provide the necessary critical views on Malaysia's development in her endeavour to embrace modernity and a developed nation status.

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