Nursing Communication and Educational Technology by Pramila R
Nursing Communication and Educational Technology
by Pramilaa R
The expanded quantum of technology in nursing profession has redefined competencies generating opportunities for purpose - oriented actions and commitment - driven society. And the nurse educators are challenged to meet the complex needs of the current nursing students and humanize their courses by intentionally designing relevant curriculum in a supportive learning environment.
This book begins with the chapter titled Communication related to the title of the book. Besides, the concepts of communication, application of the same in the context of nursing field are emphasized. It is continued with chapter two Interpersonal relations where the relationship of a nurse and patient is emphasized. Application of Pepalu's theory, transactional analysis and Johari window furnishes extensive explanation of interpersonal relations. It is further continued with chapter three Human relations that describe the fundamental concepts and its application in health care environment. It is further expanded with the concept of groups. Subsequently, chapter four is continued with Guidance and counseling.
This chapter envelopes
- the principles, functions
- organization of guidance and counseling in a nursing organization.
- The tools and techniques of counseling and managing personal crisis are dealt with.
Chapter five
- stretched with philosophy and education where the general concepts of each
- interdependence and various traditional and contemporary philosophies are included.
Chapter six
- elaborated by the concepts
- influencing factors
- curriculum model
- curriculum construction
- extended with course planning
- unit planning
- lesson planning.
Chapter seven
- educational objectives laying emphasis on Bloom's taxonomy.
Chapter eight
- briefed on its scope
- general objectives
- functions and its contribution.
Chapter nine
- expanded on Teaching and learning process which furnishes principles
- characteristics
- theories
- laws
- the strategies
Chapter ten and eleven
- Methods of teaching and Clinical teaching.
- encompasses teaching methods that can be effectively and efficiently used in class rooms, laboratories and clinicals.
Chapter twelve
- enlarged with Educational media which deals with almost all aids that can create a strong impact to the teaching.
Followed with it is chapter thirteen on evaluation.
- It is broadened with entire details of evaluation that are executed in the learning environment.
- It extends to the last chapter fourteen on information, education and communication for health which incorporates the principles of communication in disseminating health information to individual, families and communities by various media.
Please refer to the images for a summary/synopsis of the book.
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